Mongolia Puts Ger Shantytowns on the Map

Нэр минь ороогүй ч ярилцлага маань Азийн Дипломат сэтгүүлд нийтлэл хэлбэрээр хэвлэгдэжээ.

Daynsaikhan’s ger sits at the very edge of Ulan Bator. Completely surrounded by snow, it appears cold and isolated, just a few meters from an illegal trash site. Inside, however, it is warm and cozy. The afternoon sun sneaks in through the roof window, lighting the basic, neat furniture: a few wardrobes, a television set, some shelves, a table, family pictures. The smell of the wood burning in the central stove fills the air, sealing off Mongolia’s winter – the outside temperature is  minus 30 degrees Celsius. No outside noise seems to penetrate the wool felt that envelops it all. Three kids sit puzzled on the only family bed while their mother speaks. They don’t often receive visitors in this part of the city. Continue reading